Tuesday, February 3, 2009

3 Cups of Tea by David Relin & Greg Mortenson

Three Cups of Tea is an amazing book. Probably the best I have read so far. First lesson that Greg Mortenson's tale taught me is of hope. It teaches us that we can achieve anything as long as we try hard enough for it. There were so many occasions in Mortenson's life when, if he were an ordinary person, he could call it quits. It's a story of clinging on to a cause. The guy went through uncountable hardships in trying to work on his goal of imparting education to the impoverished children in northern Pakistan and later Afghanistan. His girlfriend left him; he got kidnapped by the Taliban; and was called a traitor by his countrymen. Yet he believed in the purity of his task and in the end succeeded where an entire Pakistani government had failed.

Mortenson's determination and courage are extremely insipirational. It was very heartwarming to read how he learnt to tackle problems by considering the local people's point of view. For example when he got too uptight in managing the construction of the first school in Korphe, it was the numberdhar who made him realize that his objective needs to be achieved considering the local culture and working style. This is an important lesson even for business folks. We need to grasp the local psyche and be vary of irresponsibly applying our working style in alien environments.

Another important aspect about this book was the discussion on terrorism and the rise of extremism in Pakistan. I totally agree with Mortenson's idea that the best of tackling terrorism is by providing education. It would become very difficult for the militants to gather support if the population of that area has economic incentives to opt otherwise. Education goes a long way in achieving this.

All in all, the book was thoroughly enjoyable. I have started recommending it to all my friends. My copy has started doing rounds in our dorm. The more people read such views, the better idea they will get on Pakistan and Islam. I pray that Mortenson's work pays off for Pakistan in the long run. Our government should also recognize his work and give him the highest national award. I salute you, Mr. Mortenson!

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